
 A gig-based platform connecting Teachers to the Gig Economy

Audience: Experienced teachers, freelance learning designers, SME with learning design needs
Learning solution: Online platform
Technologies: Zoom, Calendly, Google Suite, Notion
Authoring Tools: Prezi Design, Canva
Skills: User testing, Rapid prototyping, Community-of-practice building  

Project incubated at Harvard Innovation Lab through The Venture program

The Challenge

Underpaid teachers with learning design, course-building, and complex problem-solving and collaborative skills.
– The increasing need for learning design work from Small-to-Medium enterprises (SMEs).
– Learning design is project-based, flexible work

The solution

An online platform that connects teachers (learning designers) to learning design needs.
– The prototyped platform is team-based using collaborative IDEO models.

Prototype results

Net-promoter score of 93%
Average rating of 96%